The proper handling of slops, bilge, and sludge is essential to protect the environment and adhere to international shipping regulations.
Removal of dangerous waste
The removal of dangerous waste from a vessel means exactly that: taking hazardous materials off a ship. It’s a crucial part of responsible ship operation and environmental protection.
Reception of bilge
The reception of bilge is a critical part of environmentally responsible maritime operations. Bilge water, which accumulates in the lowest parts of a ship, is a complex mixture that can contain oil, chemicals, detergents, and other pollutants. Proper reception and treatment are essential to prevent harm to the marine environment.
Reception of slopes
The reception of slops is a crucial aspect of environmentally sound maritime operations. Slops are residues from cargo tanks, primarily from ships carrying liquid cargoes like oil, chemicals, or other substances. These residues are a mixture of the carried substance, cleaning agents, water, and other contaminants. Proper reception and handling are essential to prevent pollution and comply with international regulations.
Reception of sludge
The reception of sludge is a critical aspect of environmentally sound maritime operations. Sludge, in the maritime context, refers to the thick, semi-fluid mixture of oil, water, and solids that accumulates in various parts of a ship, such as fuel tanks, engine rooms, and other machinery spaces.